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$7.50 MTT - AA

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$7.50 MTT - AA

Blinds: t15/t30 (8 Players) MP+1: 3,386
CO: 2,887
BN: 2,947
SB: 3,000
BB: 2,902
UTG: 2,992
UTG+1: 2,992 (Hero)
MP: 2,902
Preflop (45) Hero is UTG+1 with A A
Hero raises to 90, 5 folds, UTG calls 60
Flop (223) 3 T 8
UTG bets 120, Hero calls 120
Turn (463) 3 T 8 T
UTG bets 255, Hero calls 255
River (973) 3 T 8 T 7
UTG bets 525

Villain is unknown.

Felt like I had the best hand most of the time on the flop, but didn't see the point of raising. Not a lot of draws out there and I wouldn't be too happy if I got 3bet there. Calling also allows him to keep bluffing.

Obviously the turncard is pretty bad for us. Thought folding was too weak though. I thought he could sometimes do this with J9s, QJ and maybe sometimes JJ and QQ.

The 7 on the river isn't the greatest card either, because J9 gets there. He might fold that prefop, though. That said, I don't really expect him to bet 3 streets with a worse hand too often, so we should probably fold?

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