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99 facing UTG R 7 handed, Deep in 20k GTD

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99 facing UTG R 7 handed, Deep in 20k GTD

Blinds: t15,000/t30,000 (7 Players) MP: 831,572
UTG+1: 806,599
CO: 471,899
BN: 1,356,469
SB: 2,377,006
BB: 366,100 (Hero)
UTG: 534,120
Hero just sat down at the table, he had played sat 4 hands and this was the first he has played. No stats.

27 left in this tournament, fairly deep run for me :).
Preflop (45,000) Hero is BB with 9 9
UTG raises to 70,000, 5 folds, Hero raises to 363,100 and is all in, UTG calls 293,100
With 12BB. I feel like I cant call, cant fold but im not happy getting it in. But I feel not shipping 12bb here is super weak.

I dont play tournaments often so forgive me is if this is obvious!

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