A9 Turn shove FT Bubble good move?
Posted by tomfrigginhanks
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Low Stakes
A9 Turn shove FT Bubble good move?
Game ID: 421258094 1500/3000 WSOP Satellite 1 Seat -OD Turbo R/A, Table 5 (Hold'em)
Seat 7 is the button
Seat 3: AKomplise (72150).
Seat 6: joe7117 (22850).
Seat 7: Pauls927 (44090).
Seat 9: Hollyschip (197915).
Player Hollyschip ante (300)
Player AKomplise ante (300)
Player joe7117 ante (300)
Player Pauls927 ante (300)
Player Hollyschip has small blind (1500)
Player AKomplise has big blind (3000)
Player AKomplise received card: [Ah]
Player AKomplise received card: [9d]
Player joe7117 folds
Player Pauls927 folds
Player Hollyschip raises (7500)
Player AKomplise calls (6000)
* FLOP : [4d 10d Ac]
Player Hollyschip bets (12000)
Player AKomplise calls (12000)
TURN : [4d 10d Ac] [2s]
Player Hollyschip bets (28800)
Player AKomplise allin (50850)
Player Hollyschip calls (22050)
RIVER *: [4d 10d Ac 2s] [Ks]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 144900
Board: [4d 10d Ac 2s Ks]
Player AKomplise shows: One pair of As [Ah 9d]. Bets: 72150. Collects: 0. Loses: 72150.
*Player Hollyschip shows: Two pairs. Ks and 2s [Kd 2d]. Bets: 72150. Collects: 144900. Wins: 72750.
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