Deep in Live MTT Hand Review

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Deep in Live MTT Hand Review

Preface: This is a hand I played over the weekend in a live MTT. $550 buy-in, $16k up top, 120 players. We're in the money (top 12 pay) on the second day. Pretty good structure with a few stacks close to 100bbs and average around 40-50bbs.

Setup/Info: 2 Tables left with 11 players total. 6-handed with SB sitting out (so basically 5 handed), BB has us both covered with about 150k. My stack 85k with blinds 3/6k- 500 ante (~14bbs) I’m on the button. Villain about 45k stack (~8bbs) is UTG+2. She was super tight to the point it was fishy. I watched her fold down to 5 or less BBs a few times to find monsters and double up (AK, AA, JJ etc). It’s also worth mentioning that earlier when she did have chips, she would fold forever then all of a sudden just open for like 5-8x (which of course is very fishy and suggests she is never opening light or as a bluff). This player was clearly unaware of many essential tournament skills. Also, she is shortest stack in the field and I am second shortest. No pay jump until 9th place. FWIW I wasn't concerned with the pay jump.

Action: UTG folds. She open jams for her 8bbs , second guy folds, I tank reshove with A10 offsuit and BB folds.

My thoughts: Against most decent players I’m ahead of their range here which (I think) should include any KQ, KJ, maybe K10. Any pair, and any suited ace, maybe even any Ace at all, maybe even QJ suited, J10 suited, 10 9 suited etc. With those assumptions I (think) I can profitably call with A10? Problem is this lady was so bad that her range might have been a bit more narrow, I’m thinking she may have open folded KJ, K10 or worse, and any raggy Ace. I feel she is still aware enough to jam any pair, and maybe any suited Ace, or any KQ.

Am I overthinking this? Is this a standard call/reshove on my part regardless of her being weak tight? The problem is stack sizes. If I call and lose I’m crippled (which happened she had QQ, how do they do it?). I think folding isn’t a bad play given her tighter range and the stack preserving argument. If I fold and preserve my stack I’m still a threat to all the 20-30 bb stacks. 

Against any normal player with no info of extreme tightness do you all agree this is a standard reshove? Or is that even a bad play?

Thanks in advance for your comments. 

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