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Did I make a mistake in this call for all my chips HU for 1st in final table?

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Did I make a mistake in this call for all my chips HU for 1st in final table?

Sup fellow grinders. I was in a $30 NLHE MTT and I was heads up for 1st.

Stack sizes: HERO 19bb (3c6c)
and VILLAIN 29bb (4h5h)
HERO limped on the BTN (have been limping with a wide range to trap).

POT: ~2bb

FLOP: 8c6h6s
V: check , H: check

TURN: 7s
V: bets 2bb (pot size) , H: calls

POT: ~6bb

V: shoves for ~26bb (covers me @ ~16bb)

I call the over bet.

Please let me know what you think of the hand and any suggestions on how it could've played differently (as in raise pre, betting instead of inducing bluffs, and what bet sizing on flop, turn, and river if I had the betting lead) and perhaps allowed me to fold it (if I ever should fold in that spot in the first place)

Please keep in mind 3 factors before giving suggestion or opinion:

(1) This is a micro stake MTT
(2) Hero vs Villain has no prior history but she seemed to be TAG
(3) This was HU for 1st place.

Thanks in advance,
- mmr is just a number

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