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Folding nut flush ? ITM WCOOP 55$ BB

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Folding nut flush ? ITM WCOOP 55$ BB

Hello guys,

Tourney is WCOOP 55$ BB, we are well into the money.

Stacks are:
Hero (UTG): 47.7 bb, 227$ bounty
Villain (BB): 52.2 bb, 75$ bounty

We min raise Ah7h UTG, everyone folds, BB calls.

Kh 6h 3d

Villain check, we cbet 1.8bb, he raises to 5bb, we call.

Turn (pot around 14bb):

Villain bets 11bb, we call.

River(pot around 35bb):

Villain shoves 34bb, putting us all in (we have 29bb left).

Do you ever fold here ?


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