Line Check - Live MTT: Did I Overplay Aces?
Posted by Degnovic
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Mid Stakes
Line Check - Live MTT: Did I Overplay Aces?
I posted this in midstakes, because I don't really think it equals highstakes when being a live MTT. Might even belong to lowstakes.
A hand from memory.
From a $185 Daily Deepstack at the Rio in Vegas. We're 17 left out of 59 starting. Money for top-6, average 32,000-ish.
One of the first hands after a redraw, so only a couple of hands on both villains. Hero has 31,000-ish, both villains around the same. Villain has Hero slightly covered.
Blinds 600/1,200-200
Seat 1: X
Seat 2: Hero
Seat 3: X
Seat 4 (Button): Villain 1
Seat 5 (Small blind):
Seat 6 (Big blind): Villain 2
Seat 7: X
Seat 8: X
Seat 9: X
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Folded around to Hero, who makes it 2,500. Villain 1 and Villain 2 calls.
Qd 7s 9c
Villain 1 checks, Hero makes it 4,025. Villain 1 and Villain 2 calls.
Villain 1 checks, Hero makes it 6,100, Villain 1 raises to 15,000, Villain 2 fold. Hero shoves.
At the time, my thoughts were, that he could be making this with all sorts of top pair hands on such a dry board, but his turn play limited his hand to AQ, KK, sets and the occasional two pair. I can't see him play any draws this way, though I won't rule out that turn might actually have brought a flush draw, which might leave in combo draws.
I talked myself into getting it in, as I thought he would see a top pair top kicker hand or overpair as close to the nuts in this spot, but sitting reviewing it now makes me think, that it was me, that overplayed the hand. Also, if I actually played it correct against the range I'm assigning him.
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