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100nl Exploit fold?

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100nl Exploit fold?

Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (5 Players) BN: $113.29
SB: $72.25
BB: $110.69
UTG: $104.00 (Hero)
CO: $180.38
Preflop ($1.50) Hero is UTG with K K
Hero raises to $2.20, CO calls $2.20, BN folds, SB calls $1.70, BB folds
Flop ($7.60) 7 2 8
SB bets $3.61, Hero raises to $14.00, CO raises to $29.00, SB folds, Hero calls $15.00
Turn ($69.21) 7 2 8 6
Hero checks, CO bets $149.18 and is all in, Hero folds
Final Pot CO wins $66.71
Rake is $2.50

Villan is a station (31/24 and doesnt fold much) so I wasn't sure I thought weaker overpairs could be in his range.
I think OTT it's an easy fold but should we maybe even be folding flop?

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