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10/25NL 225bb deep

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10/25NL 225bb deep

villain is very good; aggressive, positionally aware, knows the intricacies of deep stacked play.

he sees me the same way. I will add that we've played a lot together and he knows I'm stickier than most from BB preflop and can have a decent amount of suited 6x.

4 handed live 10/25NL game
$5600 effective

Hero is dealt Ah 7h

1 fold
Villain (BTN) raises to $75
1 fold
Hero (BB) calls $75

Flop ($160) 8h 6s 6h

Hero checks
Villain bets $100
Hero raises to $325
Villain raises to $900
Hero ?

how are you dividing up your range in this spot and what are you doing with A7hh in particular?

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