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25 NL: Flopping set with TT and facing Donks on Tough board

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25 NL: Flopping set with TT and facing Donks on Tough board

BTN: 196.5 bb
SB: 620.1 bb
BB: 200 bb
Hero (UTG): 101.9 bb
CO: 177.6 bb

SB posts 0.50, BB posts 1.00

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.50) Hero has Td Tc
Hero raises to 2.50, 2 folds, SB calls 2.00, fold

Flop: (6.00, 2 players) Ts 7c 9c
SB bets 4.50, Hero raises to 16.50, SB calls 12.00

Turn: (39.00, 2 players) 8h
SB bets 39.00, Hero calls 39.00

River: (117.00, 2 players) Kd
SB bets 87.75, Hero folds

Against unknown probably a fish, how would you play this hand?

Easy value raise for me on the flop. Getting called by alot of worse hands.

On the turn I think raising would be a polarization error and I don't think I can fold with my boat outs if he has a straight and I'm still beating bluffs and maybe some worse "value". He pots it which is kinda problematic but I still think I should call.

River I'm just folding here?

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