25NL: Bluffcatching versus fish
Posted by Antron
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Low Stakes
25NL: Bluffcatching versus fish
SB: 131.4 bb
BB: 303.8 bb
UTG: 138.5 bb
MP: 51.7 bb
CO: 179.8 bb
Hero (BTN): 97.3 bb
SB posts 0.5, BB posts 1.
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5) Hero has Ts Qs
fold, MP calls 1bb, fold, Hero raises to 4bb, 2 folds, MP calls 3bb.
Flop: (9.5bb, 2 players) 5s Td 8h
MP bets 7.25bb, Hero calls 7.25bb
Turn: ($24bb, 2 players) Jc
MP bets 13bb Hero calls 13bb
River: (59bb, 2 players) Ac
MP bets 23bb and is all-in, Hero ???
10 hands on villain so nothing to go on but he's obviously a fish considering his stack size, limp pre and donking post. What's your thought process here? I don't really know how to think these spots through. I find it hard with bluffcatchers versus fish generally, it's so hard to put them on a range especially in weird spots such as this one.
His line doesn't make alot of sense to me because there's not that many hands that want to valuebet all the streets because of how the board runs out. But at the same time im hoping for some random bluff. In spots like this one where he is repping a pretty shallow value range he could overbluff easily? Too assumptive? I called and he just had JTo.
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