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25NL: JJ in big MW 3BP

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25NL: JJ in big MW 3BP

UTG: 188.3 bb
CO: 16.1 bb
BTN: 173.1 bb
Hero (SB): 161.4 bb
BB: 91.4 b

Hero posts SB 0,5 bb, BB posts 1 bb

Pre Flop: (pot: 1,5 bb) Hero has Jh Jd
UTG raises to 3 bb, CO calls 3 bb, BTN calls 3 bb, Hero raises to 17 bb, 2 folds, CO calls 13 bb and is all-in, BTN calls 14 bb

Flop: (54 bb players) 6c 2s 7d
Hero bets 27 bb, BTN calls 27 bb

Turn: (133 bb, 3 players) Td
Hero bets 117 bb and is all-in.

How do you play JJ here?

BU is playing 23/21/12 over 100 hands sample so he's probably a reg but who knows, small sample.

Preflop easy squeeze 3b for value, JJ can use some protection against overcards and it's good to thin the field.

Flop I don't use 33% sizing on these boards. I usually go 50-66%. I don't think it's connected enough, especially when rainbow, that I want to do a lot of checking, but I might be wrong, BU has nut advantage with sets.

Turn I jam for value and protection but I don't expect to get called by a lot of worse hands tbh. Am I just overplaying my hand here?

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