25NL - Turning full house into a bluff OTR

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25NL - Turning full house into a bluff OTR

SB: $26.63 (Hero)
BB: $40.36
UTG: $9.90
HJ: $26.71
CO: $26.83
BN: $24.65
Villain is playing 17/14 over ~100 hands. Flop / Turn / River cbets are 50%/100%/100%.
Preflop ($0.35) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt 6 6
UTG folds, HJ raises to $0.75, CO folds, BN folds, Hero calls $0.65, BB folds
Flop ($1.75) 2 5 J (2 Players)
Hero checks, HJ bets $1, Hero calls $1
Happy to call OTF as we have the best hand a decent % of the time as long as he stabs once with all his AK, AQ, KQ type hands that miss. Obviously we're setting up some difficult decisions later on in the hand, but I think I have too much equity to turn my hand into a bluff by raising or fold.
Turn ($3.75) 2 5 J 2 (2 Players)
Hero checks, HJ bets $2.50, Hero calls $2.50
I think my call on the turn might be a tad questionable, since there are no draws he can have really. It's fine if he fires two barrels with AK/AQ, but I'm honestly not sure how realistic that is.
River ($8.75) 2 5 J 2 2 (2 Players)
Hero checks, HJ bets $2.50, Hero raises to $11
When he bets the same OTR as he did OTT, it looked so much like a value bet with 77-TT. I felt sure he would bet bigger with a stronger hand. 55 is also possible - having a fantastic hand till the river where the 2 means he loses to a jack. So I decided to raise to $11, leaving myself $11 behind (to give the impression that I'm not folding to a shove). Went big to convince him TT was no good.


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