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50NL 3bet Pot 9 high flushdraw what to do?

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50NL 3bet Pot 9 high flushdraw what to do?

PokerStars - $0.50 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by Holdem Manager 3 :

BTN: $50.00 (100 bb)
SB: $137.25 (275 bb)
Hero (BB): $50.00 (100 bb)
UTG: $59.63 (119.3 bb)
MP: $98.75 (198 bb)
CO: $50.00 (100 bb)

SB posts $0.25, Hero posts BB $0.50

Pre Flop: (pot: $0.75) Hero has 8h 9h
2 folds, CO raises to $1.25, 2 folds, Hero raises to $5.50, CO calls $4.25

Flop: ($11.25, 2 players) 2h 3h 4s
Hero bets $3.56, CO calls $3.56

Turn: ($18.37, 2 players) 2s
Hero checks, CO bets $11.34, Hero folds

So player is playing 30/23 over 80 hands no other reads I wanted to bet/bet/bet this hand
Is my sizing correct? I wanted to bet 2/3 on turn but a total brick comes on the turn should I keep betting to make him fold an overpair?
I feel like I butchered this hand not sure what to do.

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