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50NL 3bet pot overpair turn what do we do?

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50NL 3bet pot overpair turn what do we do?

BTN: $53.25 (107 bb)
SB: $69.19 (138.4 bb)
BB: $133.87 (267.7 bb)
UTG: $85.28 (170.6 bb)
MP: $56.41 (112.8 bb)
Hero (CO): $50.00 (100 bb)

SB posts $0.25, BB posts $0.50

Pre Flop: (pot: $0.75) Hero has Jc Js
2 folds, Hero raises to $1.25, fold, SB raises to $5.00, fold, Hero calls $3.75

Flop: ($10.50, 2 players) 5s Tc 3s
SB bets $3.29, Hero calls $3.29

Turn: ($17.08, 2 players) 6c
SB checks, Hero bets $10.82, SB raises to $60.90 and is all-in ?

so flop (no reads only know it is reg) I could raise vs his bet but this time I elected to just call on the turn villain checks , normally I check back but i'm trying to bet more aggressive on certain spots and not just give a freecard as any Ax Kx will not be good for my range do I check this back? villain will shove AA,KK,QQ vs my bet I block both flusdaws what do we do against the shove?

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