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[50NL 6max] Whiffed AKo in 4Bet Pot OOP

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[50NL 6max] Whiffed AKo in 4Bet Pot OOP

Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players) UTG: $56.72
MP: $72.64 (Hero)
CO: $85.22
BN: $48.31
SB: $64.34
BB: $50.70
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is MP with A K
UTG folds, Hero raises to $1.40, CO calls $1.40, BN raises to $6.35, 2 folds, Hero raises to $14.50, CO folds, BN calls $8.15
Flop ($31.15) T 7 5

Villain seems like a LAG reg. Running at 26/19 with 10% 3bet and 19% fold to 4-bet. 3-betting and squeezing ~10% from BTN (polarized as he's also CC'ing 14% on the BTN).

It's a bit of a weird spot with a 1:1 SPR on this flop. Villain started with a little less than 100bb and it was a squeeze so the 4-bet was slightly larger.

I think our options are as follows:
1) c-bet 25% / ?? vs shove
2) shove ourselves
3) X/shove
4) XF

Which option do you prefer in this situation?


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