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5/10 Live Hard call OTR? 3bet Pot

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5/10 Live Hard call OTR? 3bet Pot


Commerce Casino 5/10
V. is a LAG reg aggressive. Few showdowns up to now but he seems to be a decent player
We are playing for 5 hours with a big history of 3bet/4bet.

Effective Stack : 2000

V. Open 30 in MP, Random Call.
I 3bet 110 OTB with Kd3d
He called. HU.

Pot 265.
Flop 2d2s4c

C, cbet 150 call

Pot 565
Turn 5d
C, bet 295, he tank called

Pot 1155
River Ks
He insta shoved 1455


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