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5z Should I mix in checks here with AA?

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5z Should I mix in checks here with AA?

PokerStars - $0.05 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players

BTN: $5.51 (110.2 bb)
SB: $5.00 (100 bb)
BB: $5.34 (106.8 bb)
Hero (UTG): $6.64 (132.8 bb)
MP: $6.05 (121 bb)
CO: $4.43 (88.6 bb)

SB posts $0.02, BB posts $0.05

Pre Flop: (pot: $0.07) Hero has Ac As
Hero raises to $0.12, MP raises to $0.38, 4 folds, Hero raises to $0.85, MP calls $0.47

Flop: ($1.77, 2 players) Kd Qs 9h
Hero bets $0.45, MP calls $0.45

Turn: ($2.67, 2 players) 4c
Hero bets $1.69

Would you mix in checks here with AA at all? It felt maybe a bit loose to go for 3 streets of value with AA, is that nitty thinking? I really havn't done much work in 4bps.

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