87s combo draw shove on turn
Posted by Cozacu
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Low Stakes
87s combo draw shove on turn
Hand --> http://weaktight.com/6494465 Villain 37/12 af 2.0 cbet 50 ftcbet 38 wtsd 16 ft3b - 66hands
PF= With Villain here being a recreational player, I think both flatting and 3betting are good. I did 3bet, with position I think was fine.
Flop = We don`t have much but a couple of backdoor draws but there are plenty of spots where players like villain call the 3b PF, and x/fold flop so I bet.
Turn = I`m not very happy with being called but I think he can still have plenty of broadway cards and A highs that he x/call flop and he`s folding the turn with + we got a lot of eq with our combo draw.
... after we got raised, I think there is very little chance that he`ll fold to a shove, maybe if he x/raised something like JJ or AT is capable of folding but not really likely. I had the option to run it twice on stars activated and thinking that I have decent equity with my hand I made the shove.
I was thinking that if I fold, I would just lose a ton a of dead-money, and I know I have a leak when it comes to non-showdown winnings.
Do you agree with the shove on turn? Do you think it's better to simply check behind on turn?
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