Bluffing on the river
Posted by tbeckett
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Low Stakes
Bluffing on the river
The hand:
I open button for 2.5bb with 9c8s
BB calls
Pot 5.5 bb
Flop: 7s 6h Kd
I bet 3bb, BB calls
Pot 11.5bb
Turn: 6d
So board now: 7s 6h Kd 6d
BB leads 3bb, I call
Pot 17.5bb
River Qs
Board now: 7s 6h Kd 6d Qs
BB checks
I bet 14bb, BB calls and had K5hh
Was I right to bluff 98 in this spot??? Was my sizing any good??
I'd imagine when I call turn and bet river my value is going to be Kx and AA. I don't think I have a six here, I would also raise sets on the turn. My hands that miss that won't win at showdown are going to be 98,97,45,T8, diamond flush draws. Do I bluff every single hand that misses?? Or do I give up some. My Ax hands and pairs smaller than Kx that I call turn with, I would just check back the river.
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