32 points
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Feb. 3, 2025 | 12:36 p.m.
What does 50% fold look like?? How would I know I'm getting 50% folds
Feb. 1, 2025 | 8:21 p.m.
Couldn't I just put all his value hands, and bluffs into an equity tool, and just see what hands I can call?? Would that achieve the same thing as MDF?
Jan. 31, 2025 | 10:40 p.m.
Yeah that's to complicated for me. Thanks for writing it though, I really appreciated it.
To me surely my calling range should be based on his range. If he has loads of bluffs the wider I can call, if he's a nit the more I fold.
Surely I shouldn't be calling 60% of my range against a nit betting half pot
Jan. 31, 2025 | 12:37 p.m.
But surely what makes me call is what I believe the opponent is betting?? So my calling range is based on what I think the opponent has.
If he's a nit, I should fold most hands, If he bluffs a lot I start calling with with more hands.
Jan. 31, 2025 | 12:36 p.m.
I'm trying to get a beter understanding of the maths in poker and I'm struggling with MDF. To me MDF seems the same as pot odds. But it's obviously not because the formulas are different.
pot size / (pot size + bet size)
Pot odds:
(bet size) / (pot size + bet size + call size)
When an opponent bets, I use pot odds and equity to work out "what hands to call with". Which to me is the same as saying "what hands to defend with". What is MDF doing that's different?? Is it ok to not worry about MDF or is it important.
Jan. 28, 2025 | 4:10 p.m.
Thanks Steve. Now I understand why people are bothered about rake.
Jan. 28, 2025 | 1:43 p.m.
So the more rake, the more equity you need
Jan. 27, 2025 | 8:23 p.m.
Thanks Steve. So I workout the equity I need and then play around in pokerstove to see what my oppoent range needs to be to get 45% for AK.
When you mention rake, are you saying because some of the pot gets taken away it makes our equity worse??
If QQ-TT/AK is still a fold. I guess my opponent needs to be shoving AQ and suited Ax to start making this call.
Jan. 25, 2025 | 2:38 p.m.
When I 3bet AK and the original raiser 4bets all in. What sort of range does he need to be going all in with for AK to be a good call?? Would him shoving AA, KK, QQ, AK be enough??
Jan. 24, 2025 | 10:34 a.m.
I'm not someone who naturally understands that being in position is much better than bein OOP. But when I listen to any good player it's the first thing they say. Is being in position important because you can see free cards, and have some control over the size of the pot??
People will often say you get more information but I really don't get it?? If I slowplay some of my big hands then the opponent can never really know if I'm weak or strong.
I feel like I'm just not understanding it, and that's evident in my game because I will call 3bets out of position without a second thought. While everyone else thinks about it
Jan. 17, 2025 | 3:45 p.m.
Could you explain in more detail??
Jan. 14, 2025 | 10:34 p.m.
If a player only 3bets AA and KK would GTO just fold everything it opens or is there still reasons to call??
Jan. 14, 2025 | 6:22 p.m.
One final thing. What makes the solver not want to call those hands when we get deeper?? For some reason I thought the deeper the stacks the wider range you can play more hands
Your comments have been really helpful. You have explained it perfectly for me. Thanks for taking the time really appreciate it.
Jan. 7, 2025 | 7:09 p.m.
Sorry Steve I wasn't very clear. What I meant to say was do the q7s/j7s/q3/q2s types of hands call the 3bet. I didn't know HU 3bet defending got that wide.
Are you calling every Jx on the turn??
Instinctively I feel like I'd rather bluff with the hands with no diamonds. But it seems GTO prefers bluffing hands with less showdown value even if they have a diamond.
Jan. 7, 2025 | 10:34 a.m.
The bet on flop and turn was definitely 75%+ pot. But nefver an overbet
Do you think we will have q7s/j7s/q3/q2s types of hands?? That's interesting.
I guess if we have all those hands for value. K10 without diamond will have to become a bluff because the only other hand we reach the river with is 910. There aren't really any other bluffs??
Jan. 6, 2025 | 6:29 p.m.
I was watching some heads up on youtube and saw a hand that interested me. Effective stack was 200bb
SB opens K10hh on the button 3x
BB 3bets 4x to 12bb
SB calls
Flop : Qc 3d Js
BB bets big. SB calls again.
Turn: 2d
BB bets big. SB calls
River: 7s
BB checks
Final board is: Qc 3d Js 2d 7s
What is the correct play with K10 here?? Do you have to bluff jam river?? I mean if you check your gonna lose to loads of Ax, but what can you represent on the river??
Jan. 6, 2025 | 2:52 p.m.
Good point. Your shoving those hands because you have quite a bit of fold equity. But if it's a player who's tight you wouldn't shove
Dec. 29, 2024 | 10:04 a.m.
To improve my poker skill I will always watch higher stakes. One of the things that immediately looks different at high stakes is the ranges for shoving over 3bets, and calling all ins(we 3bet and villian shoves all in, we call).
In the later positions I will see hands like pocket 10s happily stacking off. However when I try to apply this at low stakes it just doesn't works. I was wondering how you work out when you stack off with these lower strength hands.
Is the decision just a feel play or is there maths behind it.
Dec. 2, 2024 | 4:34 p.m.
That's interesting. I don't float anything in those spots so I wasn't aware of that range lol
The reason I don't put bet sizes is because it seems there are different strategies for different sizes and I'm just trying to get a general overview which you have done perfectly.
What your saying makes a lot of sense.
Thanks Shaun
Aug. 1, 2024 | 6:24 p.m.
Aah yeah I always forget that's how value to bluff works. Thanks for explaining
Good point on the Q for bluffs didn't think of that.
What flush draws would you expect the opponent to have on the river??
Aug. 1, 2024 | 1:52 p.m.
Thanks for the reply really appreciate it.
Couple of things:
I don't understand "So 33/2 or 16.5 combo's." why are you dividing the value combos by 2???
I get really confused with blockers. Would 65s not be one of the opponents main draws they get to the river with, that will fold to a bet. So would bluffing 65s not be bad??
What's your reasons for not bluffing river with the clubs draws I'm bluffing on turn??
Again thanks for taking the time to reply.
Aug. 1, 2024 | 9:48 a.m.
I'm trying to work out what hands I should be triple barrel bluffing with. I've put a hand below and I would like to hear your thoughts.
6max I open UTG, the button calls and everyone else folds
Flop: Kd 7c 4h
I bet, opponent calls
Turn : Jc
I bet, opponent calls
River: 2d
- What hands are you bluffing/semi bluffing on flop and turn with??
- And what hands would you bluff the river with??
The obvious semi bluffs for bluffing flop and turn are 65, q10, a10 and club draws. Would you be bluffing all of these hands on the river??
July 31, 2024 | 9:21 p.m.
I couldn't work out whether I was blocking the opponents bluffs
Feb. 14, 2024 | 5 p.m.
The thing I find annoying with preflop charts is they don't tell you why. I naturally like to play lots of hands so it's hard to just do what a chart says.
Feb. 14, 2024 | 4:59 p.m.
What's the default strategy of playing off suit broadways in 6 max. Do you open them from every position?? What about calling?? If someone opens is it a good strategy to call with them.
To be clear to me broadways are J10 and above.
Feb. 5, 2024 | 1:49 p.m.
The hand:
I open button for 2.5bb with 9c8s
BB calls
Pot 5.5 bb
Flop: 7s 6h Kd
I bet 3bb, BB calls
Pot 11.5bb
Turn: 6d
So board now: 7s 6h Kd 6d
BB leads 3bb, I call
Pot 17.5bb
River Qs
Board now: 7s 6h Kd 6d Qs
BB checks
I bet 14bb, BB calls and had K5hh
Was I right to bluff 98 in this spot??? Was my sizing any good??
I'd imagine when I call turn and bet river my value is going to be Kx and AA. I don't think I have a six here, I would also raise sets on the turn. My hands that miss that won't win at showdown are going to be 98,97,45,T8, diamond flush draws. Do I bluff every single hand that misses?? Or do I give up some. My Ax hands and pairs smaller than Kx that I call turn with, I would just check back the river.
Jan. 30, 2024 | 10:32 p.m.
When I play poker I just love playing lots of hands. Especially suited hands like connectors. I open everything like 98s but also the suited gappers like 86s 96s. I open them from every position. I also call these hands
Now I was under the impression that the better you got at poker the more hands you play preflop, but recently I've been watching high stakes games on youtube and I was surprised how tight everyone was. The best players folding everything I'm opening and they rarely call opens either. I just don't get it.
Why would they be folding so much. I understand folding crappy off suit hands, but not the suited. You can make straights and flushes, you can semi-bluff opponents off the best hands etc
I really don't get the logic, when I used to watch Ivey or Dwan playing they were opening/calling every hand and taking advantage of nits like Phil Hellmuth. Those guys was making big money and Hellmuth was going broke folding. What changed
Jan. 28, 2024 | 3:32 p.m.
The set up: Effective stacks are 100bb, MP opens and we 3bet from the button. The opponent 4bets.
Sizings: open 3bb, we 3bet 10bb, opponent 4bets 25bb-30bb
Lets say you know the opponent only 4bets AA,KK,AK. Would you still be calling jj-88.
I think you might have confused me more.
Feb. 3, 2025 | 2:44 p.m.