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Trying to understand a hand played by a top player

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Trying to understand a hand played by a top player

Here's the hand:

Button opens 2.5x
Hero in SB has QJcc and 3bets 10bb
Button 4bets to 25bb
Hero calls

Flop: 3c8c5h

Hero in SB checks
Button checks

Turn : 5d
So board is now: 3c8c5h5d

Hero in sb checks
Button checks

River: 9d
So board is now: 3c8c5h5d9d

Hero bets 15bb into 50bb
Button folds

Very simple hand, but I really wanted to understand the ranges of the top player better. For him to be able to bet that river as a bluff he needs to be able to have some value hands in that spot. But what hands would he have for value?? Surely when the opponent checks that flop and you get that turn you should be betting the turn with every pair you have?? Trying to understand how he's balanced in that spot.

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