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Converting ev into bb/100

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Converting ev into bb/100

Some coaches like Uri Peleg like to convert EV as shown in a solver into bb/100 and implicitly comparing this number with a typical overall winrate in an attempt to stress how important some exploits can be.

Example: He compares a simplified strategy with a complex one, see the ev difference is 0.04 bb and he says this gap corresponds to 4bb/100, which is correct in the sense that every 100 hands we get into that situaion and pick the simplified strategy we are losing 4bb of ev if we're playing against the solver.

But we're getting into that situation just a small fraction of the times, so my question is: Is this conversion of any use?
I mean, we're folding around 75% of hands preflop, and an overall winrate includes every single of them. So my intuition says that comparing the two is misleading.

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