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Deep Stack Sizing OOP

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Deep Stack Sizing OOP

2-5 Live

Good Reg who plays bigger raises LJ 5bb playing 440bb eff
Big Fish calls bttn 300bb Eff
SB Big fish calls 300bb Eff
Hero on BB w KQs 440bb eff

The good reg I havent played with much, but he is a regular in the room and I think(without actual evidence), that he is capable of 4betting aggressively and also calling pretty liberally given how deep everyone is

I think as a default something like 30bb is fine here, but not entirely sure. I expect the bttn to call quite a lot actually even though he is vpiping probably 50%+, and I think the reg will call alot as well given the fish behind are pretty deep

I was toying a bit with this in wiz w the 200bb sims, and this scenario really isnt to much different from a 5-10 220bb scenario since he raised 5x(lowering eff stacks quite alot)

curious if anyone has some good insight here for deepstack play. I spent most of the last year playing 100bb stacks online, so these deepstack scenarios are something else haha

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