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Do you call this huge shove preflop with QQ?

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Do you call this huge shove preflop with QQ?

Blinds: $0.01/$0.02 (8 Players) BB: $2.00
UTG: $2.25
UTG+1: $2.00
MP: $0.80
MP+1: $1.58
CO: $2.02 (Hero)
BN: $2.23
SB: $2.09
Preflop ($0.03) Hero is CO with Q Q
UTG raises to $0.06, UTG+1 folds, MP calls $0.06, MP+1 calls $0.06, Hero raises to $0.34, 3 folds, UTG raises to $2.25 and is all in, MP folds, MP+1 folds, Hero calls $1.68 and is all in
I did the math and we need 40% pot odds in order to make the call. Villain at 600 hands at 9max has overall vpip.pfr of 17/13 and 3bet is 5 but the sample size is 11 times out of 221 times. I think 11 times is not a big sample in order to take this stat very seriously.

If villain has the range of QQ+ and AK here then we have exactly 40% equity. Such a huge 5bet imo would not be done with AKo and maybe QQ as well(not sure though about that). I think I should have folded.
Flop ($4.42) J 2 K
Turn ($4.42) J 2 K 5
River ($4.42) J 2 K 5 3
Final Pot UTG wins and shows three of a kind, Kings.
CO lost and shows a pair of Queens.
UTG wins $4.04
Rake is $0.15

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