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Facing a limper in the BTN. How would you play your range here?

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Facing a limper in the BTN. How would you play your range here?

How would you play your range in this spot?

9max. First 3 seats fold. MP1 open limps. MP2(HJ) and CO fold. We are in the BTN.

For mp1, we have only a few hands which is not enough to tell what kind player he is. His O/L here though tells us clearly that he is a fish. On the SB on about 160 hands we have a player who is a reg. On the BB we have a player who is 23/12 on 300 hands and I would say he is a loose passive player. His limp% is 10 which is very high and also has open limped from BTN in the past which is very passive.

So for MP1 I think his range will be sth like this:

If we iso here and he calls us for heads up then it might be sth like this(which is 80% defence):

So my iso range would be this one(my sizing would be 4bb):

And my limp behind range would be this:

I think that the fact that BB is a little loose here helps on limping behind more stuff and at the same time decreases fold equity pre and also increases the frequency of multiway pots which would require to have a little stronger iso range here.

I dont know if the O/L range I assigned is correct but lets assume that this one would be his OL range. Based on that range and his high defence, how would your ranges be here?

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