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First time Hand History analysis request - How should I study something like this?

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First time Hand History analysis request - How should I study something like this?

Hi guys. I'm looking to step into some proper analysis of hand histories. I had a hand last night. I think my play was fine actually. But I'd like to work out for sure. So here goes:
Playing $5/10 6max NLHE with $1k effective stacks. I open 8s9s to $25 from HJ, and CO raises to $75. Folds around to me and I call (maybe too loose but size seems small enough to call?). Flop 6h5s2s, I check, CO bets $95 and I shove $925.
My thinking at the time was I have 2 overs, a gutshot and flush draw. Opponent should have a strong range but mostly high cards and isn't hitting this flop often. So against his AK/AQ type hands I may have 18 outs, and against overpairs I have 12 outs so not a big dog. Shove looks to me like it has a lot of fold equity and if called I've got over 40% equity.

I know the result doesn't matter too much - I'm interested in EV of this play.
But for those who want to know, villain called with 6c5c and I won with 7h4h runout.

Interested to hear constructive thoughts.

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