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how to play against a small 3 bet sizing OOP and big IP

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how to play against a small 3 bet sizing OOP and big IP

So I play nl10 and I don't know how to react against a small 3b sizing OOP and me holding a hand not good enough to call.
Hand 1:
Hero opens 2.5bb A5o on button,
BB 3 bets 7bb

Hand 2:
Hero opens 2.5bb KQo on CO
SB 3 bets to 8bb

I just have no idea how to play this. If ggpoker would allow custom huds, I could see their fold to 4bet and then it would be quite easy to play against. I imagine that in a second hand, I should call against that sizing but what about first hand?

On the other side, their 3bet sizing IP is big, something like 8bb, 9bb against 2.5bb open sizing. Is it even profitable to call against 9bb when you're OOP? Let's talk about BTN vs CO. AKs, AKo, KK, AA, AQo, QQ, JJ, TT - 4 bets. What about hands that are good to call with? Like KQs, AJs, 99 etc?

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