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Is this calldown with 2p spew against such an opponent?

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Is this calldown with 2p spew against such an opponent?

Villain seem to be some sort of passive fish, he played 60/7/2 over 250 hands and I had a note of him that he didnt 3b KK...

Flop 3b against his tiny XR seem standard. I can get value from Ax and perhaps even worse made hands that fish might overplay. When he 4 bets flop I got a bit anxious and decided to just call since we're 200bbs deed and becaues i dont rly see this player profile bluffing alot with this line.

Turn villain pots it. I'm not happy about the spot but I don't think I should be folding?

River he jams close to pot size... No idea, folding seem so weak so I called and he had a set of 2s.

SB: 76.6 bb
BB: 282.2 bb
Hero (CO): 199.4 bb
BTN: 186.1 bb

SB posts 0.50, BB posts 1.00

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.50) Hero has 9s Ad
Hero raises to 2.50, 2 folds, BB calls 1.50

Flop: (5.50, 2 players) 9c 2s Ah
BB checks, Hero bets 1.83, BB raises to 3.66, Hero raises to 12.20, BB raises to 20.74, Hero calls 8.54

Turn: (46.98, 2 players) Ts
BB bets 46.98, Hero calls 46.98

River: (140.94, 2 players) 5s
BB bets 140.94, Hero calls 129.14 and is all-in

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