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Is this just a cooler?

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Is this just a cooler?

Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players) BN: $25.36
SB: $10.35
BB: $18.62
UTG: $10.00
MP: $29.47
CO: $17.38 (Hero)
Not much on villain. 29 hands. has played 11/0 so far with no postflop action to speak of
Preflop ($0.15) Hero is CO with T K
UTG raises to $0.25, MP folds, Hero calls $0.25, BN folds, SB calls $0.20, BB calls $0.15
I give the UTG open range some respect and elect to flat rather than 3bet
Flop ($1.06) 7 8 Q
SB checks, BB bets $0.10, UTG raises to $1.00, Hero calls $1.00, SB folds, BB folds
Easy call in position think with an over card, FD and BDSD. Villain raising the min donk bet as pre-flop aggressor doesnt narrow his range that much
Turn ($3.16) 7 8 Q 3
UTG bets $2.23, Hero calls $2.23
Again, an easy call here having made my flush
River ($7.62) 7 8 Q 3 9
UTG bets $6.51 and is all in, Hero calls $6.51
Final Pot UTG wins and shows a flush, Ace high.
CO lost and shows a flush, King high.
UTG wins $19.71
Rake is $0.93

When he shoved the river i just knew i was running a K high flush into an A high one, but called it off. There is a chance he plays a lower flush, straight or maybe even a set this aggressively, but mainly i'd be expecting him to slow down with something worse than mine

Should i have played this differently at any stage?

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