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Leak finding suggestions

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Leak finding suggestions

Hi Guys,

A couple years ago I used to grind hu hypers, and this month I started playing a little bit again, and wanted to give a longer shot on 6-max cash.

I'm looking for stats advice. I know the sample is relatively small and I know variance (have run over 200 bis under ev in the past and was "fine" with it) but I want to target the leaks early, as I've started to question my game.

Based on stats, do you see any strong contender for situations to check?

At a glance, I see two potential leaks:
1) Playing way too wide at SB? I've just recently started to pay more attention to that.
2) Won at Showdown % could be higher? I feel I might be bluffing too much here and there or just generally be a little too loose postflop. I've started trying to be more aggressive with more backdoor draws and equity.
3) Losing at CO is weird, but I can definitely blame the sample on that I think.

NL10 Zoom

Btw, what's the top 3-5 stats you'd use on the HUD when having small samples? At the moment I'm looking at VPIP/PFR/3B/AFq and autonotes from PT4.

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