Neutralizing ultra loose players

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Neutralizing ultra loose players

So I play 1-2 NLHE at a locally. I have a casino I can go to about 40 minutes away, where the action is generally a lot tighter with a generally higher caliber of player. I play most often at local charity card rooms where there are a lot of people who play there are like ridiculously loose. For a long time I had a pretty standard pre-flop raise of 5x. The problem that I encountered here with that is that a.) it isn't uncommon for there to be a family pot of limpers. I RARELY limp at all. When I was raising to 10 or 12 preflop I'd still get 4 or 5 people calling me pretty regularly which makes it that much harder to defend my range. Especially with a bluff C-bet. So I started just experimenting with a standard raise size of 7.5-10x. Which generally does the trick. But I still get some downright stupid calls. This post is coming out of a hand I played last night.

I am in the small blind and get pocket. Player UTG limps, the table folds around to me and I raise to 15, which was my standard 7.5x all night last night. BB folds and UTG calls. Flop comes Ac 4C Kd. Now I'm not too worried about the ace. I've seen UTG dude raise preflop with A rag a few times tonight from just about any position. So I don't think he has an A, but the K scares me a little more. I figure maybe I can rep the A, maybe even make him believe I have AK. on three different occasions over the night I've done my preflop 7.5x (one was a three bet) and after taking the pot down preflop I've shown AA once and AK twice so I'm hoping he will buy AK or at at least a big A. So the flop comes and I throw out a 3/4 pot sized bet for 24. He has to think about it. It isn't acting. and based upon how things play out I'm pretty sure dude has never heard of pot odds. HE calls, Given his demeanor, and just my general read I put him on a draw, I'm thinking a flush draw. Next card comes and its a 4h. So now the board is paired. I think about it for a while. I feel confident about my read, and my ability to represent the A. Even if I'm not pulling that off, if my read is right my 6,6 is good anyway. I don't want him to catch up, I'd rather win the pot right here so I jam with my remaining 78, which is just over he size od the pot. Dude insta calls. When he did it I thought that he must have a 4 and my read was way off, or maybe worse yet a k4, but dude rolls a Q 10 off. Proudly. BB dude says A,K as I'm rolling my hand. At least someone believed my semi bluff. So If dude believed I had either an A or K he is calling for exactly a J. Which puts him at around a 9-1 dog I think. In reality his odds were higher bc he could have beat me by pairing either of his hole cards too, but he was there for that jack. The river comes and. You already know. He makes his gutshot straight.

Obviously getting sucked out on is part of poker, but there was no way that dude should have been making that call. Anybody else got advice for best dealing with players who will pretty much throw money at anything (the obvious answer is take their money, but it creates too many risky situations where you are up against crazy ranges that will connect a lot more), I'd love to hear what ya'all have to say?

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