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NL5 - Did I play this one well?

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NL5 - Did I play this one well?

Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (8 Players) MP: $4.88
MP+1: $5.48
CO: $2.09
BN: $7.39 (Hero)
SB: $5.78
BB: $11.08
UTG: $5.00
UTG+1: $4.45
Preflop ($0.07) Hero is BN with 5 6
UTG folds, UTG+1 checks, MP raises to $0.24, 2 folds, Hero calls $0.24, 2 folds, UTG+1 folds
So today I decided to take some shots at NL5.
So, mp at 88 hands in 9max has overall vpip/pfr of 42/7. And also has limped until now 23 times.
Flop ($0.62) 5 K Q
MP checks, Hero bets $0.44, MP calls $0.44
Here he might decide to check call with KK, QQ, 55 and KQ althoughI think if
he checked here he would do that with the intention of raising.

Some other stuff that he could check call here:

Fds like AJ, AT, A9-A2(if he has those) and stuff like JT, T9. Calls also oesd of JTs
Turn ($1.50) 5 K Q 3
MP checks, Hero bets $1.20, MP raises to $2.40, Hero calls $1.20
They raise all of flushes . Because
we hold the 65 of diamonds, they cant have flushes like 65, 54, 64. We beat 0
combos from their flushes. If they check called 33 at flop they could raise that
now I think. Also fds with the A like AdJx, AdTx maybe. I dont think they play A9o or
worse pre to include more aces. Could bluff with JTs(3c) also. Could bluff raise
with AxJd and AxTd.

The size at river is silly and I had to call. I think I played it well. What do you think?
River ($6.30) 5 K Q 3 6
MP bets $1.80 and is all in, Hero calls $1.80

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