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NL5 - EP vs BTN 3bet - Facing 2barrel with Top Pair

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NL5 - EP vs BTN 3bet - Facing 2barrel with Top Pair

Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (9 Players) MP: $8.12 (Hero)
MP+1: $5.16
MP+2: $2.91
CO: $5.00
BN: $8.08
SB: $9.60
BB: $6.17
UTG: $5.00
UTG+1: $5.00
Preflop ($0.07) Hero is MP with A J
2 folds, Hero raises to $0.15, 3 folds, BN raises to $0.45, 2 folds, Hero calls $0.30
villain at 590 hands at 9max has overall vpip/pfr of 16/12. 3bet is also 4.8. cbet is 54%. fold to steal is 83% and fold to cbet is 81%(13/16 times). Seems to be a reg but from the tighter ones.
Flop ($0.97) J 6 6
Hero checks, BN bets $0.55, Hero calls $0.55
Turn ($2.07) J 6 6 8
Hero checks, BN bets $1.25, Hero folds
Preflop he raised an early open so he is going to be very tight. I think he 3bets QQ+ and AK. Do you think he could 3bet more stuff? I dont think he 3bet stuff like JTs or AJs. I dont think he 3bets any live cards with one jack in them so I dont believe villain can have top pair here. We are against an overpair. Now I dont really think he can have here AK as a bluff. He could have it on the flop but the turn is a brick, he might slow down here. I think folding is best, but I also think that folding top pair to a 2barrel is nitty. What do you think?
Final Pot BN wins $1.98
Rake is $0.09

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