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Nl50z trips on Dry'ish board facing turn 3bet

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Nl50z trips on Dry'ish board facing turn 3bet

Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players) BN: $43.75
SB: $72.48
BB: $76.31
UTG: $102.74 (Hero)
MP: $41.90
CO: $56.40
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is UTG with A K
Hero raises to $1.12, MP calls $1.12, 4 folds
Flop ($2.99) K K 7
Hero bets $0.94, MP calls $0.94
Turn ($4.87) K K 7 8
Hero checks, MP bets $3.09, Hero raises to $10.22, MP raises to $17.35, Hero calls $7.13
River ($39.57) K K 7 8 9
Hero checks, MP bets $22.49 and is all in, Hero calls $22.49

In doubt on the turn as i dont experience a lot of 3betting here. he can have both 77 and 88 but not K7 K8 here when he cold calls MP vs EP. guess we still call the tiny 3bet and hope to spike an A or the last K. in game i call as i am pretty high in my range with AK here and blockers shouldnt really matter here. would fold any other K. afterwards i think he is pretty nutted though and i should fold any unimproved rivers. thoughts?

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