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NLH HU Battle vs Good Reg - 3Bet Pot Though Runout

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NLH HU Battle vs Good Reg - 3Bet Pot Though Runout

SB: $200
BB: $530.25 (Hero)
Preflop ($3.00) (2 Players)
Hero was dealt A K
SB raises to $5, Hero raises to $18, SB calls $13
I 3bet around 20% and he folds to 3bet around 50% ev. little more.
HE is also capable of 4betting + bluffing.
Flop ($39.00) 5 3 T (2 Players)
Hero bets $22, SB calls $22
Turn ($83.00) 5 3 T A (2 Players)
Hero bets $45, SB calls $45
River ($173.00) 5 3 T A J (2 Players)
Hero bets $169, SB calls $115, and is all in
OTR i am clueless. I don't know what the best line is in this spot.

He can have Tx.

He can have fdraws: 98s,87s,T9s,QTs,

AJ,AQ,A9,AT - which peels the flop.

Please Help me :)
Final Pot
Hero has A K SB has 9 8 SB wins $399.50

i don't thought about Folding. So my coice was to x/Call or to bet.
But i dont think he will bet with much worse. So i choose to shove and hope
he calls w/ Tx or something

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