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NLH HU Battle vs Good Reg - Exploitive Fold or Nit?

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NLH HU Battle vs Good Reg - Exploitive Fold or Nit?

SB: $200
BB: $551.43 (Hero)
Preflop ($3.00) (2 Players)
Hero was dealt 5 6
SB raises to $5, Hero calls $3
Flop ($11.00) K K T (2 Players)
Hero checks, SB bets $6.25, Hero calls $6.25
Turn ($23.50) K K T 3 (2 Players)
Hero checks, SB bets $16.50, Hero calls $16.50
River ($56.50) K K T 3 9 (2 Players)
Hero checks, SB bets $41.25, Hero folds
Final Pot
SB wins $55

Villain was betting very polarized. HE was aggro, I know he is capable of bluffing, but he didn't it Out of Line. Also dont see him Valuebet to thin in the session.

I think i missed a must call. But In the game i dont think he is ever Bluffing in this Spot.

I think when i call FLop, i can easily have flushes or sets in my range, so my perceived Range is Strong.

But after the Session i think it's a call i am very high in my range.

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