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NLH HU Battle vs Good Reg - Overbet River

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NLH HU Battle vs Good Reg - Overbet River

SB: Coldfive: $299.71
BB: whoisangelAA: $458.64
Preflop ($3.00) (2 Players)
whoisangelAA was dealt J Q
Coldfive raises to $5, whoisangelAA calls $3
Flop ($11.00) J 4 5 (2 Players)
whoisangelAA checks, Coldfive bets $6.25, whoisangelAA raises to $20, Coldfive calls $13.75
Such Boards cbet Villain near to 100% (OPR 96%) and he likes to call lines which are not standard for him.
He is capable of Floating and Bluffing, also Turnin made Hand into Bluff, but don't know if he do it
with this sizing.

I decide to Raise this Board 4 Value. Fist he is not Folding much. The Line is not STandard.
Turn ($51.00) J 4 5 9 (2 Players)
whoisangelAA bets $38, Coldfive calls $38
River ($127.00) J 4 5 9 2 (2 Players)
whoisangelAA checks, Coldfive bets $174, whoisangelAA calls $174
I bet the turn 4 Value after his call i ch the RIver and have a decision to make. He knows that I
have Jx most of the time but what can he have?

I think he would double float me w/ 78 76 or at least 50% of the time.
he can have A3s KQs, KTs QTs Jxs.

Maybe he turn 65, A5 w/ Spade Blocker into a bluff. He can also have something like 44,55
ev J9 dont know.

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