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Not sure what to do with medium overpair in 3bet pot

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Not sure what to do with medium overpair in 3bet pot

Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players) BN: $80.69
SB: $29.11
BB: $56.56
UTG: $50.00
MP: $55.97 (Hero)
CO: $61.64
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is MP with T T
UTG folds, Hero raises to $1.25, CO raises to $4.00, BN folds, SB calls $3.75, BB folds, Hero calls $2.75
I could've elected to 4bet here and iso the fish in the SB, but 4bet/folding TT is a nightmare, and calling it off is gross too.
Flop ($12.50) 8 8 9
SB checks, Hero checks, CO bets $3.92, SB calls $3.92, Hero calls $3.92
I thought about x/r'ing here, but I felt like I'd be overplaying my hand, and folding seems bad too.
Turn ($24.26) 8 8 9 J
SB checks, Hero checks, CO checks
CO checked back turn pretty quickly, which given the river action is pretty suspicious.
River ($24.26) 8 8 9 J 3
SB checks, Hero checks, CO bets $24.89, SB folds

Villain's line of c-bet, check back turn, pot river looks like a FH (JJ or 99) or maybe the rivered nut flush. It would be an awfully creative line if he was bluffing like this, so I lean toward a fold. My main uncertainty in this hand relates to preflop and flop.

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