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QJo 3bp 3way

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QJo 3bp 3way

Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (5 Players) CO: $194.50
BN: $119.60 (Hero)
SB: $70.57
BB: $100.80
UTG: $132.14
Preflop ($1.50) Hero is BN with Q J
2 folds, Hero raises to $2.50, SB calls $2.00, BB raises to $7.00, Hero calls $4.50, SB calls $4.50
BB is a tight fish, i think his range is really strong but the squeeze is so small i think calling is ok. SB is a loose fish.
Flop ($21.00) 2 K A
SB checks, BB bets $6.93, Hero calls $6.93, SB calls $6.93
I think we are deep enough to make the call +ev
Turn ($41.79) 2 K A T
SB checks, BB bets $17.75, Hero calls $17.75, SB calls $17.75
here i call to get value from SB who is acting after me.
River ($95.04) 2 K A T J
SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets $23.01, SB raises to $38.89 and is all in, BB folds, Hero calls $15.88
Here i bet 25% pot to target some sets/twopair, the BB check makes me think he is weak and SB is short so i can easily call if he shoves.

I have doubts basically on every node

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