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QQQ flop. 3bet pot. Get donked into on flop turn...huh??

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QQQ flop. 3bet pot. Get donked into on flop turn...huh??

Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (7 Players) BB: $94.38
UTG: $107.74
UTG+1: $125.36
MP: $99.00
CO: $116.76 (Hero)
BN: $45.95
SB: $110.73
Preflop ($1.50) Hero is CO with T T
2 folds, MP raises to $3.00, Hero raises to $9.00, 3 folds, MP calls $6.00
Flop ($19.50) Q Q Q
MP bets $15.00, Hero calls $15.00
Turn ($49.50) Q Q Q 3
MP bets $75.00 and is all in

New player, just sat down. To be noted, he insta bet flop and turn.

Wth is this? I have plenty of Q's in my range (AQo, AQs,QTs+, maybe a small frequency of KQo), not to mention all the premium pairs. So this V just comes out with a insta 75% PSB followed up with a insta 130% all in bet?

Am I just mucking this and calling with JJ+ (since better blockers to Qx) and obv my Qx?

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