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Reacting to large 3bets

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Reacting to large 3bets

I see a lot of regs who make very large 3bets oop (and some even when ip). E. g. I open 3bb, they 3bet to 13-14 bb.

Is this a good strategy? My standard 3bet size oop is 10bb to a 3bb open.

Should i have a 4bet range ? If i 4bet x2 to 28bb i get called often, if i 4bet larger i put too much money in, and give good odds to push with a wide range, so i can't fold that much.

Shoving 100x into 14bb also feels bad.

What about defending only by calling? I let them realize too much equity (?).

Maybe lowering the open size to 2.5x can be a good adjustment?

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