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Tough Fold w/ QQ - please rate

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Tough Fold w/ QQ - please rate

Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players) BB: poker4788: $25.35
UTG: mamaistholz: $49.45
MP: Shortillio: $26.93
CO: whoisangelAA: $59.37 (Hero)
BN: dpv82: $25.00
SB: EbaN83: $25.00
Preflop ($0.35) whoisangelAA is CO with Q Q
mamaistholz raises to $0.75, Shortillio folds, whoisangelAA calls $0.75, dpv82 calls $0.75, EbaN83 calls $0.65, poker4788 raises to $4.00, mamaistholz calls $3.25, whoisangelAA calls $3.25, dpv82 folds, EbaN83 folds
UTG PFR 11% so i decided to flat call. BTN was unkown reg
Flop ($13.50) 4 3 3
poker4788 checks, mamaistholz checks, whoisangelAA bets $4.20, poker4788 calls $4.20, mamaistholz folds
I Bet Small to be able to Shove it in next Street and also not commiting myself. UTG range could be AK, TT-JJ
Turn ($21.90) 4 3 3 4
poker4788 checks, whoisangelAA checks
i decide to xback not get value owned by AA,KK. Also give AK the opportunity to Bluff
River ($21.90) 4 3 3 4 6
poker4788 bets $17.15 and is all in, whoisangelAA folds
decided to fold my line looks strong JJ,QQ or AA. Don't think he will bluff alot here
Final Pot poker4788 wins $20.91
Rake is $0.99

How do you analyse such a situation? What do you do OTF and why? Which sizing will u take? Do you check the turn or bet? What is the Advantage of betting smaller flop and turn?

Do you fold river?

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