To Chipity Chop or Chipity Not?

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To Chipity Chop or Chipity Not?

Hey guys, question for yall

I have some cognitive dissonance around this and am seeking some clarification...

The issue is around the chopping option present in live games.

I know there is a framework around how many BB you can expect to lose from the blinds based on the situation, however, I am unclear of what that framework looks like here.

For example, if I am on the SB and have the option to chop, what is the BB threshold I need to overcome, speaking from the SB position?

Similarly, if I am on the BB, what is the BB loss I need to overcome?

I'm pretty sure playing as the BB vs SB is pretty much always going to be more profitable that a chop, especially with alot of weak players in the pool.

However, I'm curious what the SB threshold is, and what it looks like, so I can have an idea of what is happening here.

My guess is that you likely lose some money SB vs BB, but gain a substantial amount in the BB vs SB scenario. Just don't know how to quantify it. I may be wrong, and maybe with a weak BB, you are still making money in the SB.

I'm curious because I want to know how close the decision really is. I find it tempting to chop sometimes and just move on to the next hand, paying no rake, and happily placing the button in front of me. I do however, don't want to be giving away money by not taking advantage of a situation that may be pretty profitable. From my experience, it doesn't feel like the situation has been that lucrative, as it doesn't come up super often, but I would like to have some clarity on it to make a more informed decision about how I want to handle it moving forward.

Thank you

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