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Was this hand spew? I 4b jam flop 200bbs with OESD+FD

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Was this hand spew? I 4b jam flop 200bbs with OESD+FD

I would 3b preflop some of the time, but usually I'm more polarized BB vs BU. I would take the same line with 66 and 55 for value, probably not 2 pair for 200bbs. Not sure if this is just spew from my side, kinda felt like it because of my stack depth. Do I have any fold equity? For 100 bbs I think this line should be fine?

BTN: 210.4 bb
SB: 127.8 bb
Hero (BB): 237.2 bb

SB posts 0.50, Hero posts BB 1.00

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.50) Hero has 7h 8h
BTN raises to 2.00, fold, Hero calls 1.00

Flop: (4.50, 2 players) 5h 6s Kh
Hero checks, BTN bets 3.50, Hero raises to 11.16, BTN raises to 75.00, Hero raises to 235.23 and is all-in.

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