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What would you do in this situation? NL5 5-Max cash game.

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What would you do in this situation? NL5 5-Max cash game.

How would you play this hand? I've reviewed it many times and I still have doubts.I do not want to influence in your answer so I'll write down my reasoning process afterwards.

CashGame - Holdem no limit (0.02€/0.05€) - 2023/02/07
Table: 5-max (real money) Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: (3.24€)
Seat 2: (9.24€)
Seat 3: Hero (5.49€)
Seat 4: (4.02€)
Seat 5: (5€)

posts small blind 0.02€
posts big blind 0.05€
Dealt to Hero [Ts Ks]

MP raises 0.09€ to 0.14€
Hero raises 0.18€ to 0.32€
MP calls 0.18€

FLOP [4s 2s 5h]
MP checks
Hero bets 0.25€
MP raises 0.50€ to 0.75€
Hero calls 0.50€

TURN [4s 2s 5h][Kh]
MP bets 1.25€
Hero calls 1.25€

RIVER [4s 2s 5h Kh][3c]
MP bets 6.92€ and is all-in
Hero folds
MP collected 11.36€ from pot

Total pot 11.36€ | Rake 0.27€
Board: [4s 2s 5h Kh 3c]
Seat 2: MP won 11.36€

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