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Why does online seem more tilting than live?

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Why does online seem more tilting than live?

I am used to playing in $500 ($2-$3-$5) games, where there are constant $500-$2000 pots, I rarely tilt from just losing 1 or 2 of these pots. However, there seems to be more tilt or some emotions that show up online, even when losing a small $80 pot, or being stuck like $200. I purchased Eliot's A-Game master class months ago, just finished it a couple weeks ago, but still have some odd tilt online, that I don't have in live games.

Anyone else experience this? What causes it? Any tips for controlling it? Doesn't appear to be a factor of money, but more so how I lost, like players hitting gut shots. Happens live as well, but usually just say nice hand and then onto the next. Its the action we want and where the money comes from. I just don't understand why I tilt online. Maybe its because I am not a proven winning player online, since before black Friday, but proven live winner? Online feels more out of my control perhaps?


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