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15$ 6max Overbet Line

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15$ 6max Overbet Line

Blinds: t25/t50 (5 Players) BB: 1,318 (Hero)
UTG: 502
CO: 1,811
BN: 4,005
SB: 1,364
Preflop (75) Hero is BB with 4 3
3 folds, SB calls 25, Hero checks
Flop (130) A T K
SB checks, Hero checks
Turn (130) A T K A
SB checks, Hero bets 150, SB calls 150
River (430) A T K A 4
SB checks, Hero bets 475

Hi all, what do you guys think about my overbet line here? Villain is an unknown, reggish looking player, running 25/13/5 over 54 hands. I certainly still have Ax that I check back preflop and on this specific flop, while I feel like he will never ever have an ace (besides maybe a few boat combos) that check F + T. I like that I realised this is a good spot to overbet, but I think I should have just 200% jammed the River. I don't think we have much showdown-value, as he is so Tx and Kx heavy and will bet most FDs on the turn himself. Does my reasoning make sense?

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