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A few razz spots on 3rd with 8's

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A few razz spots on 3rd with 8's

I feel this might be an open as my A and 5 are doubled but if instead of the A and 5 it was a 2 and a 3 it would be a fold, correct ? Any merit to limping ? What if I have 86 instead of 85 as hole cards ?

Seems like an easy fold but just checkin'. In a cash game too ?

Open or not ?

I also have a question about the decision on 4th and 5th here, my opponent was somewhat tight (he decided to limp/call 2nd to last to act with a 9 up with a 6 behind and the K bring in)

Any discussion of cash game vs tournament strategy, ante size adaption etc appreciated !

Thanks for your answers ! (hopefully)

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