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LHE in micro HORSE, river raise

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LHE in micro HORSE, river raise

Preflop: MsReed is BB with QQ

UTG folds,
EP checks, (posted before flop)
MP calls $0.10,
DLR calls $0.10,
SB calls $0.10,
MsReed raises to $0.20,
EP folds
MP calls $0.10,
DLR calls $0.10,
SB calls $0.10

Flop: 8d5sQh

SB checks
MsReed [QQ] bets $0.10,
MP calls $0.10,
DLR folds
SB calls $0.10

Turn: [8d5sQh]8c

SB checks
MsReed [QQ] bets $0.20
MP calls $0.20
DLR folds
SB folds

River: [8d5sQh8c]Th

Ms Reed {QQ} bets $0.20
MP raises to $0.40

I didn't know the player, he hadn't impressed me one way or the other. People in these games often slowplay AA, KK and also call flops with std connectors like 76, or pretty much any two Broadway cards or well, anything. I thought if he flopped a set of something, he would have raised the turn after slow-playing the flop. But I thought it was bizarre that he raised here. Am I okay assuming he has quads and just calling? Too chicken? If I reraise and he raises again, then what? On Carbon heads-up you have unlimited raises.

Could an experienced player tell me what they would have done?

(I tried using that hand posting thingy but couldn't make it work.)

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